Thursday, November 8, 2018

Finishing up "Hermit Girl"...

Terminally shy but highly sarcastic Willow has never been able to connect with people. ("I'm a raging extrovert stuck in an introvert's body!") From a non-existent love-life, to a dad who vanished on her tenth birthday, to an overbearing mom who won't move out, every facet of her life brings her slightly more aggravation than joy.

But there's one person she's willing to re-join society for: Somewhat-Square-Jawed Bailey, the nut shop clerk. So, to prepare for the scariest act of her life, Willow sets up a Youtube channel to workshop her seduction strategy.

Meanwhile, Chloe, one of the hapless few who actually follow Willow's channel, savagely miss-applies all of Willow's advice and suddenly finds herself hugely successful with men, hunted by Brads and Toms and even SSJ Bailey himself.

As Willow prepares to do battle with Chloe, she suddenly starts receiving mysterious messages from someone claiming to be her father - the one Mom swears passed away in a mysterious incident that not only made his body vanish, but all his belongings and every single photograph of him as well.